Ceramic wall tiles bathroom Price List

Ceramic is one of the most widely used and popular building materials that gives a beautiful appearance to the building and has many applications in different parts of the building. This product is used to cover both the floor of the building and the wall. The type of ceramic that is discussed in this article is the ceramic wall tiles that are used for the bathroom. In order to access the price list of this product, it is necessary to refer to our company’s website. Our company is one of the most reputable suppliers of ceramic wall tiles bathroom.

Ceramic wall tiles bathroom Price List

Effective factors on ceramic wall tiles bathroom Price

Effective factors on ceramic wall tiles bathroom Price The price of each product is determined by factors that are more or less the same among all goods. Determining the price of ceramic bathroom wall tiles is no exception to these factors.

Therefore, the factors affecting the price of these products are:

1) The larger the longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the ceramic, the higher the price of the ceramic.

2) The thicker the ceramic, the more standard it is, the higher its price.

3) The more well-known and reputable the ceramic company and factory, the higher the price of its products.

4) Ceramic friction coefficient

5) The degree of resistance of ceramic against water penetration and transfer of moisture or sound

6) Ceramic distribution and sales center, which if a direct representative of the manufacturer, sets a more appropriate price for this product.

7) The method of distribution and sale of ceramics, which can be at wholesale, in bulk, online and in person.

8) Coloring and design on ceramics

Top ceramic wall tiles bathroom Sellers

Top ceramic wall tiles bathroom Sellers The number of sellers and centers supplying all kinds of bathroom and kitchen ceramics throughout the country is not small.

However, what matters is which of these centers is reputable and offers a higher quality product at the lowest price.

It should be noted that our company is a very reputable and well known center in the supply, sale and export of ceramic floor tiles and bathroom walls.

Due to its high quality, our products are not only distributed throughout the country, but also exported abroad.

To buy the product, you can refer to our company’s website and order our ceramic tiles in any number you need. After registering the product and paying, the ceramic will be sent to you.

Please note that our exports are not only to the Middle East, but also to India, Pakistan and even some European countries such as Russia and Turkey.

Our products are always welcomed by every buyer and customer because they have the highest quality but the lowest price.

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