Shopping center 4×16 subway tile with cheap price

At present, the ceramic 4×16 subway tile shopping center does its best to provide you with the best and highest quality series of products. Dear friends, the shopping center offers the highest quality tiles in the form of special packages in various designs and colors. Sells.

Shopping center 4x16 subway tile with cheap price

The latest price of 4×16 subway tile in reputable shopping centers

The latest price of 4x16 subway tile in reputable shopping centers The first and most important parameter that we examine is the degree of quality of the ceramic.

Ceramics fall into 4 categories in terms of quality

Which are known as grade 1 to grade 4 ceramics

The lower the quality, the higher the quality of ceramic tiles.

According to this criterion, the appropriate ceramics can be selected for each place

Suitable floor ceramics should be grade 1 or finally grade 2,

But the walls can be made of grade 3 ceramic tiles

PEI stands for Porcelain and Enamel Institute.

The degree of wear of the durability of ceramics as floor ceramics shows that this index is only for glossy ceramics and is not present in matte ceramics, and the higher the PEI, the higher the wear resistance of ceramic tiles.

Suitable for homes and residential spaces PEI with grade III and IV.

But in commercial spaces, their PEI grade should be V

The degree of water absorption or WA is another important classification to consider

WA stands for Water obsorption, which means the amount of water absorption in ceramic tiles. Using this criterion, ceramic tiles suitable for wet areas as well as outdoor spaces can be selected well.

According to this rating, ceramic tiles are divided into 4 categories.

1 – Ceramic tiles that absorb 7% of their water weight, such as non-glass tiles

2. Ceramic tiles that absorb between 3 to 7% of their weight in water, such as semi-glass tiles

3. Ceramic tiles that absorb between 0.5 to 7% of their weight in water, such as glass tiles

4. Ceramic tiles that absorb between 0 and 0.5% of their weight in water, which are impermeable ceramics, such as porcelain tiles.

The amount of ceramic tile lysis or coefficient of friction indicated by COF

COF stands for Coefficient of friction, which expresses the resistance of ceramic tiles to slipping.

The higher this amount, the more slippery the ceramic tile is

And the lower this amount, the lower the resistance of ceramic tiles to slipping, ie the slippery the floor

As a result cof above 50 suitable for residential spaces

And cof above 6 is suitable for commercial use.

This index is mostly used for ceramic tiles that are to be worked outdoors

Which shows the resistance of ceramics or tiles to cold

The best reference to buy cheap 4×16 subway tile

The best reference to buy cheap 4x16 subway tile There are many methods that you can use to buy the highest quality tiles, one of them is to visit the supply centers of different types of tiles. But such a method of purchase is not recommended to you, because it is very time consuming and expensive, in this regard, you can buy your highest quality tiles through the Internet portal.

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